Privacy Policy for Toptani


Service means the website of "Toptani Shopping Centre" and all services that "Toptani Shopping Centre" offers.

Usage data: is data that is collected automatically, generated by the use of the Service or by the infrastructure of the Service itself (for example, the time of visiting a page).

Personal data means data about a living individual who can be identified from that data (or from that data and other information in our possession or that may be in our possession).

Usage data: is data that is collected automatically, generated by the use of the Service or by the infrastructure of the Service itself (for example, the time of visiting a page).

Cookies are small files stored on your device (computer or mobile device).

The data controller is a natural or legal person who (alone or jointly with other persons) determines the purposes and manner of personal data processing. For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, we are the controller of your data.

Data processors (or service providers) are any natural or legal person that processes data on behalf of the Data Controller. We may use the services of different service providers to process your data more accurately.

The data subject is any individual who is the subject of personal data.

User is the individual who uses our Service. The User corresponds to the Data Subject, who is also the subject of personal data.

Our Privacy Policy describes your visit to the Toptani Shopping Centre, and explains how we collect, what we collect, store and receive information resulting from the use of our Service.

We use your data to provide and improve the Service. By using this Service, you agree to the collection and use of information according to this policy and Article 28 of Law 9887, dated: 10.03.2008.

Collection of Personal Data

Our site "Toptani Shopping Centre" can collect personal information from visitors through contact forms, through the use of "cookies", or through subscriptions to literary news and any other services we offer.

Types of Data Collected

The personal data that we may request and collect include, but are not limited to, Identifiers and other categories of personal information as defined in Law 9887, dated: 10.03.2008, "on the protection of personal data":

· Name and surname

· Email address

· Contact information

· Demographic information such as age, gender, location, interests, etc.

· Other free data from visitors via our site forms.

· Internet browser history and in-app search history in: information on a consumer's interaction with the site and advertisements, Cookies and Internet Data Usage.

Use of Personal Information

We may use or disclose the personal information we collect for the following business purposes:

- To fulfill the purpose of why you provided the information.
- To provide you with the information, products or services you request from us.
- To dictate Security Errors.
- To maintain our services
- To announce our services
- To collect valuable information for analysis, to improve our services.
- To monitor the use of services.
- For any other purpose with your consent.

Sharing of personal information with third parties:

We disclose/share your personal information provided for business purposes with third parties as follows:

- Service Providers
- Data aggregators
- Third parties with whom you or your representatives authorize us to provide your personal data in connection with the products or services we offer                   - Providing information to third parties for sending gifts for marketing purposes offered by service suppliers or third parties, in relation to product services.

Access to Information and Data Transfer Rights:

You have the right to request that we provide you with certain information about how we collect and use your information. After we receive your request from the consumer, after verifying and confirming it, we will provide you with information about:

- Categories of personal information we have collected about you.

- Categories of sources of personal information we have collected about you.

- Our purpose for trade and business reasons to collect and sell personal information.

- Categories of third parties with whom we share personal information.

- The specific pieces of information we collect about you (also called data portability).

Rights to request deletion of data You have the right to request that we delete/correct your data that we have received from you and stored, subject to certain exceptions. Once we receive, verify and confirm your request, we will delete (and instruct our service providers to delete) your personal data from the registers, except for the exceptions that apply in accordance with Article 13 of Law 9887, dated 10.03.2008, "for the protection of personal", and we can deny your request for deletion if the retention of information is necessary for us or for our service providers, in cases where:

- It is necessary to complete the transaction for which we have received personal information, to provide a product or service you have requested, to take reasonable measures as expected in the context of the business relationship we have with you, or to enforce our contract with you.

- To dictate security indications, to create protection against malicious, fraudulent, predatory, or other illegal activities or to legally prosecute those responsible for these activities.

- To analyze products to identify and repair errors that prevent existing or intended functionality.

- To exercise the right of speech, to guarantee the right of another consumer to exercise the right of free speech, or to exercise another right guaranteed by law.

- In compliance with Law 9887, dated 10.03.2008, on the protection of personal data.

- To enable only internal uses that are reasonably consistent with customer expectations based on your relationship with us.

- To comply with a legal obligation.

- For other internal and lawful uses of that information that are compatible with the context in which you provided it.

Exercising the rights of Access, Data Transfer and Deletion

In order to exercise the rights of access, data transfer and data deletion as described above, please send a verifiable consumer request using one of the following options:

- Email us at
- Call us at + 355 4 4540999

- Only you or persons authorized by you may act on your behalf or make requests for your Personal Information. We will use reasonable methods to verify requests, such as comparing the postal addresses contained in the data provided to us by you.

- You can only make verifiable customer requests to receive data or transfer data. Verifiable consumer demand must:

- Provide sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify that you are in fact theperson for whom we have collected Personal Information, or an authorized representative.

- Describe the request with sufficient data to allow us to understand, evaluate and respond appropriately.

- We cannot respond to your request to provide you with Personal Information unless we can verify your identity or authority to make the request, and confirm the Personal Information relating to you. Making verifiable customer requests does not necessarily require you to create an account with us. We will only use Personal Information provided through a verifiable consumer request to identify the requester's identity or authority to make such a request.

Adjustments and Changes

We reserve the right to change this privacy notice at our discretion and at any time. When we do, we will post a notice on our site with the updated Notice, as well as when it was “Last Updated”.

If you have questions or requests regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at [email address or contact form].

Thank you for your trust and for using our site "Toptani".